Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Vegan MoFo Day 26: Pumpkin Saag


Who knew pumpkin and spinach were made for each other? The Pumpkin Saag in Veganomicon pairs the two beautifully. This is the the third recipe I've done (along with the Pumkin Baked Ziti and Pumpkin Crumb Cake) and all have been amazing. so if you don't have the book yet, are you crazy? Go get it!

I had some extra roasted pumpkin leftover from yesterday's dinner, so I tossed it in here as well. Also, I didn't have fresh ginger, so I just used powdered. When you make this, save the seeds and roast them with some salt and garlic powder (or whatever you like) for supreme deliciousness.


Fact: Pumpkin Saag is so delicious even cats will lick their lips when they see it.

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