Sunday, October 04, 2009

VeganMoFo: Epicurious Game

This is a fun game that Isa came up with. You have to go to and follow Isa's instructions and then try to veganize whatever recipe you end up with. I got this recipe called "Minced Chicken with Vegetables in Lettuce Cups." I've been wanting to make something like this ever since I tried something similar in a friend's dad's restaurant, so it was the perfect challenge for me. I used seitan instead of chicken and actually added vegetables (instead of that recipe's pitiful excuse for vegetables). The sauce is somewhat different and the process is way different. Their way sounded really gross. I didn't measure everything when I made this, but this is approximate quantities to start with. Adjust according to taste.

Seitan and Vegetable Lettuce Cups

1 head iceberg lettuce
1 cup chopped seitan (I used the veganomicon recipe)
1 cup chopped broccoli
1 cup chopped cremini or mushrooms
1/2 cup chopped baby corn 
1/4 cup chopped water chestnuts
1/4 cup chopped bell peppers
1/4 cup hoisin sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1 tbsp cornstarch
Peanut oil for stir frying

Heat a tablespoon or two or oil in a wok or big skillet and add all the vegetables except for the lettuce. Let them heat a little while you mix the other ingredients in a separate bowl. Add the sauce mixture and stir fry until the vegetables are soft. Let cool 5-10 minutes. Peel off lettuce leaves and put a couple of spoonfuls of the filling in each and eat!

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