Monday, September 02, 2013

VeganMoFo 2013!

It's time for the 7th annual VeganMoFo! I'm so excited for our first September MoFo. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with this time around. Today, one of my best friends left New York to move to San Francisco across the country. After a tearful goodbye, I went out for pizza. Because it's harder to feel sad when there's delicious pizza in your mouth.

Today's pizza comes from my favorite vegan-loving restaurant on Long Island: Three Brothers Pizza Cafe. I've posted about them before, but they have since changed locations and, I swear, have gotten even better. Three Brothers' new location is 75 Merritts Road in Farmingdale, NY--dangerously close to where I work. Today, my friend Jess accompanied me and we ordered too much food on purpose because leftover pizza is a must.

We started with Buffalo Wingz:

Then the pizza!!! Seitan Bacon Ranch (Seitan, tempeh bacon, tomatoes, ranch dressing):

and Bianca (tofu ricotta, spinach, garlic):

And of course, dessert! Cookies and cream cake right in front, and in the background there's Cookies and Cream Cheesecake:

We were completely stuffed and we only ate about half the food. Enough leftovers for a whole other meal. YES! And I got this awesome note on my receipt from our server, Dani, who I was telling about MoFo:

Such a great end to a sad day!


  1. The food looks fantastic, and the wings look real, don't they? I wish I lived in this area.. I'd be sure to go there very soon.

  2. That piza bianca looks wonderful! I might have to give making that a go sometime :)
